Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My Insurance Career Blog

Salam to all, thank you for ur time visiting my page. I'm actually quit nervous to start blogging and in fact i'm not sure what language I shall use, shall I use 'Bahasa Pasar' or shall I make it more 'Bahasa Baku" or is it suppose to be in Bahasa or maybe English or maybe 'Bahasa Rojak'.

It always not easy for the first time. Always in dilemma. Same when I decided to join Prudential, should I join full time or maybe start part time first..again i'm in dilemma

To cut it short, after think and think and think again, i decided there is nothing better than to join prudential full time. Full time to service people surrounding me, Full time to stay focus, Full time for my career development and finally, Full time for myself n my love ones.

To cut it short also, i decided to use this blog as my free expression towards my career and it shall not restrict to what language or what contents or what information I shall used.

This blog is meant for everyone who seek for more information and looking for personal opinion about buying insurance and takaful. And again to help them make a wise judgement.

Lastly, feel free to give any comment about this blog and for those who looking for FREE insurance and takaful consultation, do sms or email me ur Name, D.O.B, Gender, Occupation, Smoking Status, Budget (suggested to be 10%-15% of ur gross salary) to / / 012 - 217 9790

Ila Natrah


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